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We made it to Friday! It couldn’t come sooner for me. This week at work has been jammed packed from the moment I step into the office to the moment I go home. I’m ready for the weekend that’s for sure!

I’m still loving my juicer so I thought I would share another juice recipe with you all. In an effort to whittle away at my citrus fruit I wanted to try something with lemon.  This turned out to be one of my favorite green juices with blueberry, spinach, green apple and lemon. (Side note, I originally typed widdle not whittle but realized that word has a COMPLETELY different meaning than what I was going for. Oops.)Juice Recipe: Blueberry, Spinach, Green Apple and Lemon. A green juice that doesn't taste like a green juice. Clementinebean.wordpress.comJuice Recipe: Blueberry, Spinach, Green Apple and Lemon. A green juice that doesn't taste like a green juice. Clementinebean.wordpress.com

Get everything washed and prepped. Quarter the apple, cut off the top and bottom of the lemon (it’s ok to leave the skin on) and wash the blueberries and spinach. I actually bought a big bag of frozen blueberries and let them defrost before juicing. Frozen blueberries are MUCH cheaper than fresh and as long as they are completely defrosted, you can still juice them. Don’t be impatient with the defrosting though. If you throw semi frozen blueberries into a juicer, you won’t get any juice from them at all, just pulverized blueberry pulp. (Not like I’m speaking from experience or anything. Ok, maybe just a little experience.)Juice Recipe: Blueberry, Spinach, Green Apple and Lemon. A green juice that doesn't taste like a green juice. Clementinebean.wordpress.com

Juice the spinach first because it yields the least amount of juice. Juicing something after the spinach with a higher yield of juice will help push out any left over spinach juice. Isn’t that color gorgeous!Juice Recipe: Blueberry, Spinach, Green Apple and Lemon. A green juice that doesn't taste like a green juice. Clementinebean.wordpress.com

So next came the lemon to help get the rest of that spinach juice out.

Juice Recipe: Blueberry, Spinach, Green Apple and Lemon. A green juice that doesn't taste like a green juice. Clementinebean.wordpress.com

Next juice the blueberries, which also have a low yield of juice, then the green apple to help push out the rest of the blueberry juice. Juice Recipe: Blueberry, Spinach, Green Apple and Lemon. A green juice that doesn't taste like a green juice. Clementinebean.wordpress.com

Make sure to give everything a stir because natural juice tends to separate as you can see here. Juice Recipe: Blueberry, Spinach, Green Apple and Lemon. A green juice that doesn't taste like a green juice. Clementinebean.wordpress.com

Only down side to mixing purple and green juice together is that it turns a kind of brown color. Not the prettiest of all juices but definitely tasty. If you are wanting to try green juice but you are scared it will taste too much like the earth (which, trust me, some do) this is a perfect starter juice for you. The spinach has a much more mild and mask-able flavor than kale and some other greens. The lemon almost hides any spinach flavor. The green apple and blueberries give it a little kit of tartness and just the right amount of sweetness. I really loved the flavor of this juice.

P.S. I entered my mom’s puppy into a dog contest. Click here if you feel like taking a look and maybe clicking the “10” on the cutest scale. Have a great weekend.