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I have written about how I organize my shower, necklaces, belts, and some of my shoes, and now I wanted to show an easy way to organize boots on the top shelf of a closet.

My closet has one top shelf with a lot of head space that feels wasted, so I wanted to be able to add a second shelf of sorts without having to buy any wood or use any tools. I picked up a couple wire stacking shelves from Target for a few dollars each. (Similar here) and it was the perfect solution for organizing my boots. Use wire stacking shelves to create more shelf space in your closet for organizing shoes and boots. Clementinebean.wordpress.com

I just placed them right on top of the existing shelf. No nails, no tools, just simple and easy. There is still a lot of room on top for my taller boots to stand up straight and room under the shelf for one pair laid on its side, or two pairs of shorter or more flimsy boots. Use wire stacking shelves to create more shelf space in your closet for organizing shoes and boots. Clementinebean.wordpress.comUse wire stacking shelves to create more shelf space in your closet for organizing shoes and boots. Clementinebean.wordpress.comUse wire stacking shelves to create more shelf space in your closet for organizing shoes and boots. Clementinebean.wordpress.com

These little wire shelves are a great way to get more shelf space without having to build anything or use any nails. Perfect if you are not good with tools or if you are renting and don’t want to put any holes in the walls. They are also very sturdy and I don’t have to worry about them collapsing under the weight of anything heavy.

I love getting everything of the floor of my closet. It just helps me feel like everything is clean and organized and these shelves really help with that.


Random totally unrelated side note: A co-worker just ask me if I happen to have any lined notebook paper, the kind with the three hole punch already in it. I don’t think I have used nor thought about notebook paper since I was an undergrad student and this weird unsettling feeling of needing to study or take a test can’t be shaken now. Isn’t it weird that just the thought of something I used to use as a student can bring back all the anxiety of being a student all over again? So random I know!